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Saturday, April 23, 2011

No More Acne | Acne No More the Review !

I wanted to share my review of Acne No More, an E-book
that teaches people how to clear their skin. Read on...

The recent proliferation of acne E-books has caused readers to wonder if they are worth shelling out any hard earned cash for this information. What information could these E-books possibly contain that you don't already know? As we will fine out, quite a bit actually.

First, Acne No More focuses on natural acne treatment information. That means there aren't recommendations for harsh prescription medications with brutal side effects. Go to your doctor if that is what you are looking for. For those of us sick of the traditional medical paradigm and its complete failure to get to the core cause of any disease, continue on.

The book is quite extensive. No "37 page do-this-do-that-and-magically-you-acne-will-disappear" instructions. You get a meaty 223 pages of rock solid content. The Acne No More Introduction.

The first thing Mike discusses is what acne actually is. Now, I know this doesn't directly eliminate acne. But it is an outstanding place to start. If you don't understand what actually causes acne, you will never believe in the natural route enough to treat the acne effectively.

Mike goes through an extensive analysis of what acne is - and what it isn't. It is very clear that Mike knows what he is talking about here. And there is certainly none of the usual "acne is caused by clogged pores" nonsense. Mike clearly knows the difference between a symptom and a cause.

He also goes through a serious look at the terrible effects of prescription acne medications. If you are taking any of these right now you cannot miss this part. Finally, he wraps this section up with a look at the holistic path.

The Acne No More Path to Clear Skin

Now we get to the real meat of the E-book. Acne No More dives right into the core formula (It is 5 pillars). Nothing is held back in this section. He goes through an overview of each pillar, and then dives into the specifics. There is also outstanding charts and checklists which make it very easy to know where you are at in the program. (Make no mistake, the natural way isn't as easy as popping a pill, no surprise that its long term benefits are far better!)

Without going into too much detail to protect the integrity of his information, Acne No More covers numerous holistic topics such as internal cleansing, proper diet, good bacteria, and much more.

His diet recommendations are solid. There are some things I would disagree with, but its a very solid start, and you will end up creating your own diet anyway. No one follows any diet plan rigidly. I also think there is a bit of an overemphasis on specific supplements. But this is nitpicking. In reality I'm simply trying to think of something, anything I don't agree with.

Who is this E-book For?

This E-book is honestly for everyone. Even people without acne. This is a total health program better than 98% of the diet books on the market. In fact, the advice in this E-book is guaranteed to help you with any other health condition you might have. He can't make any claims for cures with his product. But I can tell you like it is about it. This E-book, if its instructions are followed, will give you clear skin in record time, holistically, naturally, and will result in the best health of your life. Nowhere else can you find such an outstanding step by step guide to a complete acne treatment program.

If you are a "pop a pill" type of person, don't waste your time though. This E-book is for people who are dead serious about clear skin very quickly. There is no doubt about it, the word on natural acne treatment is getting out through Absolute and books like Acne No More.

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