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Saturday, April 30, 2011

No More Acne | Tea Tree Oil Helps !

Start  your Acne treatment with essential oils

Tea Tree Oil 

Find out how tea tree oil can heal your skin conditions.

1.- Tea tree oil are often used as a remedy to treat bacterial and fungal infections.

1a.- Tea tree oil are many including being: antiseptic, anti-fungal, antibacterial and antiviral.
2.- It is most commonly used to promote a tissue regrowth.

3.- It is used in topical treatments for a variety of skin care conditions including: moderate acne, oily skin, rashes, blisters, burns, cuts, minor wounds, infections, eczema,  and as an anti-inflammatory.

4.- Tea tree oil can be very effective when used in support of minor complaints.
4a.- In severe conditions, and with chronic disease conditions, one should consult a doctor.

5.- apply just a little oil on the affected spot and the swelling disappears and goes away more quickly.

Note : to increase the chance of success of treatment with tea tree oil,  when purchasing one should look for purity (100% oil from melaleuca alternifolia).

Genuine Australian tea tree oil in good quality contains a large percentage (minimum 30%) of terpinen-4-ol, which is seen as primarily responsible for the positive effects.

Tea tree oil is safe to use as home remedy oil for pimples, acne and sunburn however  if it don't fix the problem you will need professional care.


See How Step by Step Acne No More Reveals to Treat your Acne Naturally! 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

No more Acne | Acne and Raw Milk

For Acne Sufferers, Raw Milk is the King of Foods 

Raw milk is simply the single best food for anyone struggling with acne. Everyone with acne should be drinking this in significant quantities every single day. That is the goal of this page. You can simply start doing so or read the rest of the page for its importance and benefits. 

Also, for the purposes of this site raw milk means milk that is unpasteurized (nor heated to levels just below pasteurization), un-homogenized, and coming from grass fed cows. Goat's milk can also be used in similar condition though my writings are not based on goat's milk.

Just why is raw milk so good? 

First, remember the time in your life when you had the best skin. For nearly everyone, that would be when they were a baby. Children fed on mother's milk nearly universally have perfect skin. At that time of life mother's milk is the ideal food and the results are a perfectly healthy baby. 

The baby receives exactly the nutrition that is required with no more and no less. This is essential as the first couple years are the most important in terms of development and nutrition.

Second, raw milk from cows provides a broad spectrum of the most essential nutrients for a grown person. The most important of these, and absolutely essential for acne sufferers since they are guaranteed deficient in them, are the good fats. 

Raw milk is around 16% cream. (Compare that to the 2% at the store and realize how cheap raw milk is in comparison!) The real benefit of raw milk is that cream or fat part of the product. The nutrition in this is hard to describe, it is simply a life giving product. 

One objection to raw milk that is often heard is that "cow's milk is for baby cows." In other words, it's not a human food. However, if you examine the historical record, milk from animals and the products animal milk creates, have been a staple in a large number of civilizations. 

When raw milk is analyzed it is clear to unbiased researchers that it is plainly one of the most nutritionally complete food products available. 

That is why there are accounts of people living on raw milk alone for over 30 years. It is a complete food. 

Also, some people may worry that raw milk will make them fat due to the high fat content. Nothing could be further from the truth. You will not become overweight from raw milk. If you are underweight (and a lot of acne sufferers are) it will help you to return to a better set point.

If you just cannot get raw milk where you are at, certain substitutes can be made. Raw cheese is also very good. One brand I have purchased myself multiple times and found to be excellent is Swiss-land Cheese.

Notice how it is not heated above 102 degrees F. Make sure anywhere you get raw cheese you can verify this is the case. Also, shipping in the summer time might cause problems if you live in a hot area, the cold packs that it is shipped with work well but not in 100 degree heat in the back of a truck. 

You would need to get it shipped overnight or just wait until fall. I have bought in bulk in early spring and cheese of course lasts a long time unopened. Cheese seems to deliver all the nutrients as milk, it just seems to be a bit less effective at helping with acne as immediately as raw milk does. 

Probably because it is easier to consume a large amount of raw milk than it is to eat a lot of cheese.

It is my belief that raw milk is the single most beneficial thing an acne sufferer can consume. 

Raw milk should be a staple of everyone's diet.

Step by Step Acne No More Reveals How to Treat your Acne Naturally! 

Monday, April 25, 2011

No More Acne | Acne and Sun Are they Linked? What about Sunscreen?

Are Acne and Sun Linked? What about Sunscreen?

Acne sufferers often have this common experience; they are out in the sun for many hours, usually without sunscreen, and upon coming inside their skin looks excellent, blemishes seem to have disappeared. 

This lasts for a short period of time, usually a day or two. And then the acne comes roaring back with a vengeance! What happened, and more importantly, what is the real relationship acne sufferers should have with the sun?

First, realize that the sun is truly a good thing. The natural light of the sun is of ideal quality for the human body for all purposes. Contrary to popular opinion, the sun by itself does not cause things such as cancer.

Now the sun can be a great help to acne sufferers. 

It is very useful for acne sufferers to get some sun every day on their skin. This means without sunscreen. However, you never want to come close to burning yourself. Early morning sun is ideal for our purposes, the old clinics that used sun therapy universally would put their patients in the sun in the early morning.

The only danger of the sun is that you stay in its beams more than your skin can currently handle. A native African tribesman can handle the sun far longer than a fair skinned person from the US. This should be clear to everyone.

So do not overdo it at all. Dr. Mercola recommends 10-15 minutes a day in the sun without any sunscreen. I would say this is about right. I would add that early morning is best.

As for sunscreen, I am not a fan of it. It's an unnatural substance that you really don't want on your skin for hours on end absorbing into your bloodstream. 

What you should do is keep your skin in the sun unaided by sunscreen for short periods of time with no risk of any burn, and then put on additional clothing to protect the skin rather than sunscreen.

Now if there is no choice, sunscreen is always better than a burn in my opinion. However, I would say someone who needs to coat their face in sunscreen all day is going to have trouble clearing their skin if they have acne. Wear a wide brimmed hat instead.

In conclusion, the sun is very good and provides us with our entire life. We simply would not exist without it both as a society and in our individual health. 

You will also notice that diet and sun sensitivity are closely related. People living on sugar get destroyed by the sun while those consuming large amounts of quality fats without any refined products have a much easier time. 

Step by Step Acne No More Reveals How to Treat your Acne Naturally! 


Saturday, April 23, 2011

No More Acne | Acne No More the Review !

I wanted to share my review of Acne No More, an E-book
that teaches people how to clear their skin. Read on...

The recent proliferation of acne E-books has caused readers to wonder if they are worth shelling out any hard earned cash for this information. What information could these E-books possibly contain that you don't already know? As we will fine out, quite a bit actually.

First, Acne No More focuses on natural acne treatment information. That means there aren't recommendations for harsh prescription medications with brutal side effects. Go to your doctor if that is what you are looking for. For those of us sick of the traditional medical paradigm and its complete failure to get to the core cause of any disease, continue on.

The book is quite extensive. No "37 page do-this-do-that-and-magically-you-acne-will-disappear" instructions. You get a meaty 223 pages of rock solid content. The Acne No More Introduction.

The first thing Mike discusses is what acne actually is. Now, I know this doesn't directly eliminate acne. But it is an outstanding place to start. If you don't understand what actually causes acne, you will never believe in the natural route enough to treat the acne effectively.

Mike goes through an extensive analysis of what acne is - and what it isn't. It is very clear that Mike knows what he is talking about here. And there is certainly none of the usual "acne is caused by clogged pores" nonsense. Mike clearly knows the difference between a symptom and a cause.

He also goes through a serious look at the terrible effects of prescription acne medications. If you are taking any of these right now you cannot miss this part. Finally, he wraps this section up with a look at the holistic path.

The Acne No More Path to Clear Skin

Now we get to the real meat of the E-book. Acne No More dives right into the core formula (It is 5 pillars). Nothing is held back in this section. He goes through an overview of each pillar, and then dives into the specifics. There is also outstanding charts and checklists which make it very easy to know where you are at in the program. (Make no mistake, the natural way isn't as easy as popping a pill, no surprise that its long term benefits are far better!)

Without going into too much detail to protect the integrity of his information, Acne No More covers numerous holistic topics such as internal cleansing, proper diet, good bacteria, and much more.

His diet recommendations are solid. There are some things I would disagree with, but its a very solid start, and you will end up creating your own diet anyway. No one follows any diet plan rigidly. I also think there is a bit of an overemphasis on specific supplements. But this is nitpicking. In reality I'm simply trying to think of something, anything I don't agree with.

Who is this E-book For?

This E-book is honestly for everyone. Even people without acne. This is a total health program better than 98% of the diet books on the market. In fact, the advice in this E-book is guaranteed to help you with any other health condition you might have. He can't make any claims for cures with his product. But I can tell you like it is about it. This E-book, if its instructions are followed, will give you clear skin in record time, holistically, naturally, and will result in the best health of your life. Nowhere else can you find such an outstanding step by step guide to a complete acne treatment program.

If you are a "pop a pill" type of person, don't waste your time though. This E-book is for people who are dead serious about clear skin very quickly. There is no doubt about it, the word on natural acne treatment is getting out through Absolute and books like Acne No More.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

No More acne | Acne Drugs And Antibiotics

Drugs And Antibiotics Can Make Your Acne Worse

Suffering from the pain and frustration and embarrassment of acne can sometimes
be a tempting situation to visit the dermatologist and legally acquire medications to
treat your acne from the many available options.

Tetracycline and Minocycline are acne medications that mainly work by decreasing
inflammation and fighting bacteria. A very partial and destructive solution that works
short term.

Steroids, Accutane or Adapalene - an acne medication that helps control acne and prevent
breakouts, but works short term and can result in nasty side effects.

Steroids are aiming at reducing inflammation caused by acne. In the process steroids place
significant stress on your liver. By stressing your liver, steroids, severely damage your internal
system, the delicate foundation responsible for ensuring lasting acne free skin.

Taking acne medications and steroids of any kind to treat your acne will:
a.- Make your acne and your health worse in the long run.

b.- Significantly damage your internal system and destroy your natural internal balance.

c.- Will not cure your acne or prevent/fix the ‘environment’ responsible for acne formation.

From Acne No More System unique powerful techniques and the step-by step holistic acne
system. Results discovered in over 7 years of acne research.

Monday, April 18, 2011

No More Acne | Fats, Oils, and Acne

Report from the step by step natural acne solution guide.!

Fats, Oils, and Acne

The next topic of diet I want to discuss with you is fats and oils.

Lately there has been a vast amount of attention placed on "good fats" and "bad fats"as well as Omega-3, Omega-6, and Omega-9 balancing. Some people say to eliminate at completely, others say to eat it in abundance as long as it is "good fat."

However, the problem with all this discussion is that it does not address the core problem that Western peoples are having with fats. Before we can even talk about the proper Omega ratios, we  have to talk about hydrogenated oils.

Sugar and hydrogenated oils compete for the top spot in the extremely toxic ingredients that
are in almost all foods.

 Acne, a common problem in teenagers, results from a combination of hormone stimulation,
production of irritating fatty acids by certain bacteria, stress, and poor diet. 

This affection is tied to an overproduction of the oil in the sebaceous glands of the skin.

More water intake, eliminating fried foods and hydrogenated fats from the diet, and taking extra vitamin A and zinc will often reduce acne outbreaks.

Sugar and hydrogenated oils compete for the top spot in the extremely toxic ingredients that
are in almost all foods.

What exactly are hydrogenated oils?

Hydrogenated oils are made (as how the name might suggest) by bubbling hydrogen through a cheap vegetable oil, often soybean. This changes the nature of the oil so that it is no longer liquid at room temperature, but solid. It gives a creamy consistency to foods.
What is so bad about hydrogenated oils?

1.- Hydrogenated oils are brain poison. Studies are showing that after eating hydrogenated oils, brain activity decreases.

2.- Hydrogenated oils inhibit the absorption of good, healthy oils.

What exactly does this mean? It means that a diet high in hydrogenated oils prevents your body from absorbing healthy oils.
Let's say for breakfast you have some of those "tarts that pop" (You know, the ones that go in the toaster and all kids love?) 
For lunch you have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with crackers or chips. There is 3 sources of hydrogenated oils (tarts, peanut butter, and crackers). 

Then for dinner you have something healthy - fish and vegetables. So you end the day thinking you ate so healthy. Wrong. The good oils in the fish were not absorbed. 
The hydrogenated oils had filled up your body's capacity for storing fats, and so the good fats of the hydrogenated oils are wasted. What happens is the body tries to use the hydrogenated oils. It thinks they are real fats and it tries to make do with what it is given.

When you eat good fats, the hydrogenated oils are not immediately replaced with the good fats. It takes a few days of not eating hydrogenated oils to get a single serving out of your system. I think at this point a single serving of hydrogenated oils takes about 24 hours for my body to remove. How do I know this? When you get to a certain level of health you will really start feeling the detrimental effects of toxins in your diet. I get a headache right after eating hydrogenated oils and by the next morning it is gone.

Now, if you have been eating hydrogenated oils every day for most of your life then it is going to take a lot longer than 24 hours for all hydrogenated oils to leave your body. It is a cumulative effect. You cannot undo decades of wrong eating in 24 hours, however much we would like to do so. Isn't it great that it only takes a few months to completely remove the poison rather than the number of days we have eaten them? You can remove 15-25 years of poisoning in a few months - be thankful for that!

Of course, if you eat hydrogenated oils at any point you will slow down the process. Become familiar with what products contain hydrogenated oils at the grocery store. Basically anything in a package contains it. Sure eliminates a lot of rows of the grocery store doesn't it? At least your shopping trips won't take as long anymore!

Fortunately, this is a required ingredient to list on the packages of all foods. If you see a food that has the word "hydrogenated" in it - Run!

Next time we will take a look at what to replace hydrogenated oils with - you can't just eliminate hydrogenated oils from your diet and not replace them with anything! These critical replacement fats are extremely important to improving acne! Stay tuned...

P.S. Have you seen the step by step natural acne guide we recommend?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

No More Acne in Three Days With a Fast Cleansing Method !

Three things that contribute to acne:

1.- The primary - Poor elimination of waste from the bowel.
2.- Over drying products - Dry built up skin blocking the pores.
3.- Candida Albicans yeast putting toxins in the body and blood stream.

An inexpensive and very effective way to finally banish  acne.

Primary method - will be a fast cleansing.
Why cleansing first? - acne is a result of the body trying to rid itself of toxins. Detoxify the bodyand clear the reactions that cause the acne in the first place.

Do that made sense to you? Sure!

But what is a fast cleansing method?

The fast cleansing method is a simple 3 day fast toxin cleansing diet.

Note: There are also additional methods to cure even the most resistant acne with a little more time and effort.

Now the method! - to completely detoxify the body, you needed to remove the metals and toxins in the liver that create acne breakouts.

Outline of the fast cleansing method directions:

“ Eat nothing but apples for three days, drink 8 to 10 glasses of water only and drink 3oz of grape juice the last day.”

To help keep the pores open, you also needed to massage pure Castor oil into your affected skin each night before retiring.

The only requirements  are: 

1.- Eat 10 or more Red Delicious or Golden Apples PER DAY!  - Peel them before you eat them since most apple skins commercially produced have been sprayed with pesticides.

2.- Drink Plenty of Water - The MORE Water the BETTER! drink from 6-8 16 oz bottles of water per day.

3.- An enema at the end of the day - For this you will need salt and baking soda. 1 teaspoon each in 1 quart of l warm NOT HOT water.

4.- 2 tablespoons of olive oil on the last day ONLY!

5.- Drink 3oz of Grape Juice for the last day ALSO!

Massage pure Castor oil into your affected skin each night before retiring.


 Acne No More give you the knowledge and power to take action.

Friday, April 15, 2011

No More Acne | Acne - A Serious Inner Imbalance?

Chemical Imbalance in the body?

Acne - it is simply a big warning sign that something is WRONG inside our body.

This internal and systematic problem, it's a symptom of a disorder that effects your whole body and manifests as acne.

Let's make this clear: Acne is not a problem with your skin. Acne is a result of a serious inner imbalance of the body, and it needs to be corrected.

Since our bodies are designed to protect us against the skin infection such as acne, failing to diagnose and fix this problem in a timely manner can result is far more severe and chronic symptoms and disorders

In this Unique Clear Skin Breakthrough System you will find a solution to your acne problem

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Conflicting Information on How To Treat Acne

It is highly likely that you have been bombarded by so much conflicting advice about how to treat acne.

1.- Some acne "Books" tell you to avoid all fruits, soy and carbs.

2.- Others acne Books tell you that soy is actually good for your health and that eating whole grains and some fruit wouldn't interfere with your acne healing process. 

3.- Some say vitamin B-5 is excellent; others say avoid that at all costs. 

4.- Some say benzoyl peroxide is great for treating acne, others tell you it can actually aggravate your condition. 

5.- Some say the only way to cure acne is to apply a clear skin diet, others say diet is not a factor when it comes to curing acne, probiotics are.

That becomes truly confusing!  Now who are you supposed to believe?

Well, the Acne No More program is the result of more than 7 years of documented 30,000 hours of clinical research.

The program has already helped thousands of acne sufferers worldwide to achieve permanent acne freedom if followed correctly. 

Acne No More give you the knowledge and power to take action without suffering from confusion that cause procrastination with a safe and effective plan.