Revitol Natural Skin Care Store

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Acne Sufferers Sun, Orange Juice, Cystic Acne etc.

Is Sun and Acne Linked?

Advice for the acne suffer and exposure to sun.

What is the real relationship acne sufferers should have with the sun?

Sun is truly a good thing The natural light of the sun is of ideal quality for the human body for all purposes. Contrary to popular opinion, the sun by itself does not cause things such as cancer.

It is very useful for acne sufferers to get some sun every day on their skin, without sunscreen.Early morning sun is ideal for our purposes. But you never want to come close to burning yourself. The only danger of the sun is that you stay in its beams more than your skin can currently handle.

Dr. Mercola recommends 10-15 minutes a day in the sun without any sunscreen. I would say this is about right. I would add that early morning is best.

keep your skin in the sun unaided by sunscreen for short periods of time with no risk of any burn, and then put on additional clothing to protect the skin rather than sunscreen.

Now if there is no choice, sunscreen is always better than a burn. Who needs to coat their face in sunscreen all day is going to have trouble clearing their skin if they have acne. Wear a wide brimmed hat instead.

In conclusion, the sun is very good and provides us with our entire life. We simply would not exist without it both as a society and in our individual health. You will also notice that diet and sun sensitivity are closely related. People living on sugar get destroyed by the sun while those consuming large amounts of quality fats without any refined products have a much easier time.

Acne and Orange Juice

Advice for the acne suffer and orange juice.
People generally consider orange juice a healthful drink. Unfortunately for the acne sufferer, orange juice can be a real problem.
Orange juice that is generally sold commercially,is a pasteurized orange juice and sometimes sugar or sugar substitutes are added. This kind of beverage can never be considered healthful for the acne sufferer.
Sugar is always a problem for those with acne. In fact orange juice taken on an empty stomach can cause quite a bit of acne problems. The spike in blood sugar is extremely high and this result is always bad for someone with acne.
Natural orange juice from oranges you squeeze yourself? It is certainly delicious and you can drink it on occasion without any problems when you achieve clear skin.<
It is difficult to obtain clear skin without eliminating the sugar nearly totally from the diet and then seeing which food items cause you problems. Certainly do not have this daily. Remember, keep your blood sugar levels down!


How to Avoid Cystic Acne

Advice to avoid cystic acne.
Cystic acne is an extreme form of acne that can be absolutely devastating to a person's physical body as well as their self image and self confidence. This sickness is a much more serious problem than regular acne. It is often very difficult to clear up with any standard off the shelf treatment. Cystic acne has a very high chance to leave scars which will be a long term effect unless some medical procedure is used to fix them later.

The first step  to avoid cystic acne is to eliminate sugar entirely from your diet, immediately. No soda, no fruit juice, no fruit, no desserts, no candy, no energy bars, no refined sugar, no natural sugar.

Cystic acne is almost always the result of one of two factors, sugar consumption, or an after effect from using toxic medical treatments for acne such as tetracycline. There is zero room at all for the cystic acne sufferer to consume any sugar at all.

To avoid cystic acne fix your diet. Those with cystic acne desperately need good fats. They especially need raw milk in large quantities and also cod liver oil. The inflammation in your body must be stopped.

Cystic acne is a difficult thing to live with. Those who have it would be wise to change what they are doing significantly as what they are doing currently is not working. We urge those with cystic acne to analyze their diets very seriously.

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