Revitol Natural Skin Care Store

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Help to Get Rid of Acne Vulgaris

Acne Vulgaris

"Is the medical term for the most common variety of acne"

Consists of comedones, which most of us know as zits, pimples, and the like. Inflamed acne vulgaris causes pustules, papules, and nodules in the more severe varieties and is so prolific that it may affect nearly everyone.

The areas most affected of the body are the most pore density, which means the face, upper 
chest, and upper back.

Acne Vulgaris, Signs and Symptoms

Most likely red inflammations, often raised above the level of the skin, large pores, whiteheads, and other inflammations are signs of acne vulgaris.

Outbreaks often result from time periods of intense stress, poor diet, and hormonal change. Acne vulgaris at its worse causes never threatens life may causes scarring and social isolation.

Factors that cause acne vulgaris

Acne vulgaris is the cause of four major factors -p Hormones, diet, hygiene, and genes. Obviously, nothing can be done about a given set of genes, so it falls to treating the other three factors.

Acne vulgaris is caused when pores are plugged with sebum and dead skin cells and become inflamed.

Sebum is a material produced by the body, but when the body produces it in excess, sebum binds up dead cells within a pore resulting in acne.

Naturally, this blockages presents an easy target and a certain kind of bacteria takes advantage to cause inflammation leading to the large zits and pimples that ruin your beauty.

This process may repeat hundreds of time all over an unfortunate's face, chest, or back.

3 steps to help get rid of acne vulgaris

Treatments for acne vulgaris vary as widely as the severity of this affliction with more than a few that fail to treat the root of the problem. This steps are essential to treat acne vulgaris.

First step.- In the treatment of acne vulgaris in necessary to keep your skin clean. Wash twice daily with a gentle cleanser and use moisturizer.

Second step.- Fluctuations in hormonal levels and stresses will bring more prone to breakouts,consider medications to control those facts.

Third step.- For continuing acne, choose a good system to deal with the acne problem. Look for a system designed to addresses the causes of acne vulgaris both inside and out. Do not forget to keep the skin clean while treating the underlying causes of acne, including the bacteria, the sebum, and the dead skin cells.

Note: Happiness is one of the greatest factors in acne, according to many holistic approaches. They claim that simply staying positive and cheerful will help reduce unwanted acne.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Aspirin a Successful Acne Treatment Method

Treating Acne with Aspirin

Using Aspirin a Successful Acne Treatment Method

The strategy of using aspirin to kill acne will not use aspirin inside the standard way. This procedure requires making an aspirin mask.

This is a successful strategy to treat acne and a method that can also guide to minimize scarring. studying this guide you could have adequate awareness to safely and efficiently deal with your spots making use of aspirin.

In this guide we are going to use aspirin to bringing your spots and pimples to control.

Aspirin Mask ingredients:

1.- Alcohol free skin toner

2.- Neutrogena nutritious skin anti-wrinkle cream

3.- Non-coated aspirin

4.- Honey

Aspirin Mask Directions:

1.- Place 4 aspirin in a bowl  and combine them with few drops of water.

2.- Add two teaspoons of honey and mix

3.- Apply in your affected area and leave it for about ten minutes

4.- After ten minutes rinse the mask off with some cold water

5.- Apply the alcohol free skin toner to the affected area

6.- Ultimately use the anti-wrinkle moisturizer

Note: If you will be uncertain about making use of this strategy then you certainly must seek the advice of your health care provider or dermatologist primary.


Saturday, November 5, 2011

Acne - A Serious Inner Imbalance?

Acne - it is simply a big warning sign that something is WRONG inside our body.

A Serious Inner Imbalance Advice To Treat Acne

Acne is Not Normal But a Warning Signal of A Serious Inner Imbalance. This internal and systematic problem, it's a symptom of a disorder that effects your whole body and manifests as acne.

Let's make this clear:

Acne is not a problem with your skin. Acne is a result of a  serious inner imbalance of the body, and it needs to be corrected.
Since our bodies are designed to protect us against the skin infection such as acne, failing to diagnose and fix this problem in a timely manner can result is far more severe and chronic symptoms and disorders 

In this Unique Clear Skin Breakthrough System you will find a solution to your acne problem.

Overnight Acne Cures delivers:

1.- Clear skin within 24 hours GUARANTEED

2.- Instantly smaller skin pores

3.- Instantly reduced skin oil production

4.- NO chemicals, only NATURAL techniques performed in the comfort of your own home

5.- With a success rate of 96%, you're guaranteed clear skin

6.- Proven methods to reduce acne scarring

7.- 100% Money Back "Guarantee" NO questions asked

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Acne Sufferers Sun, Orange Juice, Cystic Acne etc.

Is Sun and Acne Linked?

Advice for the acne suffer and exposure to sun.

What is the real relationship acne sufferers should have with the sun?

Sun is truly a good thing The natural light of the sun is of ideal quality for the human body for all purposes. Contrary to popular opinion, the sun by itself does not cause things such as cancer.

It is very useful for acne sufferers to get some sun every day on their skin, without sunscreen.Early morning sun is ideal for our purposes. But you never want to come close to burning yourself. The only danger of the sun is that you stay in its beams more than your skin can currently handle.

Dr. Mercola recommends 10-15 minutes a day in the sun without any sunscreen. I would say this is about right. I would add that early morning is best.

keep your skin in the sun unaided by sunscreen for short periods of time with no risk of any burn, and then put on additional clothing to protect the skin rather than sunscreen.

Now if there is no choice, sunscreen is always better than a burn. Who needs to coat their face in sunscreen all day is going to have trouble clearing their skin if they have acne. Wear a wide brimmed hat instead.

In conclusion, the sun is very good and provides us with our entire life. We simply would not exist without it both as a society and in our individual health. You will also notice that diet and sun sensitivity are closely related. People living on sugar get destroyed by the sun while those consuming large amounts of quality fats without any refined products have a much easier time.

Acne and Orange Juice

Advice for the acne suffer and orange juice.
People generally consider orange juice a healthful drink. Unfortunately for the acne sufferer, orange juice can be a real problem.
Orange juice that is generally sold commercially,is a pasteurized orange juice and sometimes sugar or sugar substitutes are added. This kind of beverage can never be considered healthful for the acne sufferer.
Sugar is always a problem for those with acne. In fact orange juice taken on an empty stomach can cause quite a bit of acne problems. The spike in blood sugar is extremely high and this result is always bad for someone with acne.
Natural orange juice from oranges you squeeze yourself? It is certainly delicious and you can drink it on occasion without any problems when you achieve clear skin.<
It is difficult to obtain clear skin without eliminating the sugar nearly totally from the diet and then seeing which food items cause you problems. Certainly do not have this daily. Remember, keep your blood sugar levels down!


How to Avoid Cystic Acne

Advice to avoid cystic acne.
Cystic acne is an extreme form of acne that can be absolutely devastating to a person's physical body as well as their self image and self confidence. This sickness is a much more serious problem than regular acne. It is often very difficult to clear up with any standard off the shelf treatment. Cystic acne has a very high chance to leave scars which will be a long term effect unless some medical procedure is used to fix them later.

The first step  to avoid cystic acne is to eliminate sugar entirely from your diet, immediately. No soda, no fruit juice, no fruit, no desserts, no candy, no energy bars, no refined sugar, no natural sugar.

Cystic acne is almost always the result of one of two factors, sugar consumption, or an after effect from using toxic medical treatments for acne such as tetracycline. There is zero room at all for the cystic acne sufferer to consume any sugar at all.

To avoid cystic acne fix your diet. Those with cystic acne desperately need good fats. They especially need raw milk in large quantities and also cod liver oil. The inflammation in your body must be stopped.

Cystic acne is a difficult thing to live with. Those who have it would be wise to change what they are doing significantly as what they are doing currently is not working. We urge those with cystic acne to analyze their diets very seriously.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

How to Choose an Acne Medications !

Acne Medical Treatments How do You Choose?

Advice for the acne suffer to choose medical treatment.

There are many medical treatments for acne, although unfortunately, it can not be said that there is any one, single treatment to cure acne. 

Rather than having a single treatment for acne, doctors generally have to try several different products for each individual before finding the treatment or combination of treatments that will clear up the problem.

Every case of acne is different and will do different things to the skin depending on the individual. This makes acne quite a difficult condition to treat. 

A lot of experimentation and trial and error with various medications is usually needed before a successful treatment is found. 

This can be very frustrating for the person that wants a quick-fix solution to their problem or even for those individuals that have a stubborn strain of acne that takes a long time to clear up. 

It always helps to see a doctor or dermatologist that has plenty of experience in treating acne, this way they can draw on their professional experience. There are some absolute ‘no nos’ when it comes to dealing with acne.
You should never scrub skin that is affected by acne. This irritates and inflames the acne, causing more pimples and making the healing process longer and more drawn out. 

Never attempt to self-treat or self-medicate. Pimple removal is something that should always be left up to a trained doctor in an antiseptic environment.In most cases, the first treatment that a doctor will recommend is a topical cream. 

These creams, like all acne treatments, do not cure acne, but rather help manage the symptoms of the acne. The treatment that you receive will depend on the type of symptoms that you are experiencing. 

It will either be aimed at unplugging pores, killing bacteria (antibiotics), reducing the amount of oils (such as Accutane) or altering the hormones that stimulate the sebaceous glands (such as oral contraceptives). If topical creams alone prove ineffective, doctors will usually combine them with an oral antibiotic. 

The topical creams usually contain benzoyl peroxide which although effective, should be used in small doses. It was originally thought to be harmless, however studies show that prolonged use or overuse can lead to premature aging of the skin.

The most important thing to remember when attempting to rid yourself of acne is to work with a trained medical professional that you trust.  

Secondly, be patient. Even in the best of cases, acne does not clear up overnight. In fact, even when you have found a treatment that works, your skin will usually get worse before it gets better. 

Doctors usually recommend continuing a treatment for at least four to six weeks before expecting to see results. Do not be disappointed if the first treatment that you try does not work. Expect to try several different treatments before finally finding success.

For more information visit:
Health and Beauty Store

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Acne Sufferer and the Hydrogenated Oils

Trans Fats and the Acne Sufferer
Why are these fats bad for acne sufferers?
 Advice for the acne suffer and hydrogenated oils.

1.-  Hydrogenated oils are what their name implies. The oils have been "hydrogenated" or had hydrogen as a gas added to them. What this does is make the oils very creamy and smooth. You can see this clearly in such packaged products like peanut butter, which have a perfectly unnatural smoothness. Compare that to the natural peanut butter with the oil separated from the product and on top!

2.- The problem with these types of hydrogenated oils in regards to acne is twofold. 

a.- is that they clog the body, the body does not know how to deal with these types of oils. 

b.- is that they inhibit the consumption of good oils. Naturally, any clogging for an acne sufferer is very bad. 

The whole idea of natural acne treatment is to free up the body from restricting waste and then add good foods in. Unfortunately hydrogenated oils are an extremely clogging substance.

Prohibiting the body from absorbing good fats is also a problem. 

The body tends to try to use these hydrogenated oils, especially since it is likely deficient in good fats. Unfortunately, the body can't utilize them and so they simply block the assimilation of good fats.  

Check all the labels for foods, you must check the ingredient list for the word hydrogenated and avoid it all costs. 

Do not just go by a package saying 0g trans fat! Here is why: if one serving of the product has less than 1/2 a gram of hydrogenated oils, the company is allowed to list it at 0g trans fat! In other words, it could have .49 grams of trans fat per serving! Now when you have multiple servings of that snack, you will be eating quite a lot of hydrogenated oils! 

Many snack products have replaced the hydrogenated oils with other vegetable oils you don't really want to eat. 

Don't think that just because there are no hydrogenated oils that it is okay to eat. Just make absolutely certain nothing you eat is hydrogenated oil. Things in packages are generally not what you want to fill your diet with. Become aware, and start reading labels. You'll find you don't want to buy that item anyway! 


Acne is not a result of bad hygiene

Which Acne Products are the Best to Buy

 Advice for the acne suffer and hygiene.

Acne is not a simple condition to treat. It is a skin disease that affects each individual that has it differently. Every case of serious acne has to be looked at as an individual case in order to be properly treated. There is no catch-all treatment that can be used for every case.

Furthermore, a lot of trial and error is usually needed in order to find an effective treatment individual by individual.There are many acne products that are mass-marketed as the best cure for acne. It is very important to realize that products that are marketed towards acne sufferers and that can be bought off the shelf in the supermarket, do not cure acne. 

They manage, mask or suppress the symptoms of acne. It is important to recognize this as well as to realize that acne is not a result of bad hygiene. If your acne is progressively getting worse do not think that it is enough to wash your skin often and to use an over the counter product. 

If your acne is getting worse, seek medical advice for stronger products that might only be available with a prescription. Acne treatments vary from being off the shelf, over-the-counter creams, prescribed and surgical. Over the counter acne products are usually topical medicines that contain Benzoyl Peroxide or Salicylic Acid. 

These are usually used to treat mild cases of acne where an individual is attempting to halt the progression of acne and clear up some troublesome pimples. They can also be used during severe stages of acne in combination with another treatment. Doctors usually recommend that the acne-infected area be washed very gently with warm water and a mild soap and then the topical treatment applied.

When acne progresses to the moderate or severe stage, doctors and dermatologists will usually use a combination of treatments in order for maximum effectiveness in halting any further development of the skin disease. Light therapy and extraction are often used at the moderate stage, in combination with an oral antibiotic or a retinoid cream, depending on the observations and recommendations of your doctor.

Since acne is such a complex condition to properly treat, it is not advisable to attempt to self-medicate. If you try over the counter products and they do not work. Do not give up thinking that you have an incurable case of acne. Seek further professional medical advice. 

A doctor or a dermatologist will try to stop your acne from getting out of hand and will make an aggressive attempt at using a combination of products to prevent the possibility of acne scarring.If you are serious about putting a halt to your acne, learn about the latest acne fighting products and how they can possibly work for your type of acne from your doctor. 

Do not make off the shelf products the extent of your fight against acne. Be as aggressive about fighting acne as acne is about progressing step by step into a serious skin condition.

For more information visit: Natural Skin Care Store